Missouri Residents

Financial Assistance Is Available to Those Who Qualify!

Are you struggling using conventional smartphones because you can’t find what you are looking for? The apps’ icons are too small to see? Are the accessibility features too difficult to use? Or perhaps you can’t add a contact by voice?

With RealSAM Pocket phone, there’s no need to learn complicated touch screens, look for the apps that are hiding on a screen, or struggle with reading small buttons; just tap on the screen and talk.

Scroll down to learn whether you qualify for a free phone. 

RealSAM Pocket is available at no cost to those who qualify through the Telecommunications Access Program (TAP) for Telephone


For additional information and to apply, please visit the Telecommunications Access Program (TAP) for Telephone.

* We offer training and unlimited customer support. 

* No additional costs or monthly fees except the cost of the service plan.

* RealSAM Pocket is compatible with any network and unlocked for any US  provider.

Get a free demo of the RealSAM Pocket

Depending on your location, we may offer in-person or virtual demonstration. 

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