Usable assistive technology isn’t just clever. It addresses a real need you have and you know how to use it. RealSAM Pocket by RealThing Ai has the Answer.
This is an excerpt from the full article available on The Blind Guide that offers resources for people who are blind or visually impaired.
I’m reminded of a story about things we need. Have you ever heard someone say they need a drill? Or any other piece of equipment? Well I’d argue that no one needs a drill. Instead they need a hole…“Hardware stores report that over one million men bought one-quarter inch drills in one year. Not one of those million men wanted the drills. They wanted quarter inch holes in metal or wood.”
That’s my point. The evolution of assistive technology for people who are blind is astounding. It’s making the world so much more accessible. But is it usable? The answer varies by individual. I’ll return to that point in a bit.
People who are blind do not need assistive technology. They need independent navigation. And they need to know if their clothes match. They need to know if they’re handing over a $1 bill. Or a $100 bill. Oops…

Assistive technology is cool but what you really need is usable assistive technology.
RealSAM Pocket is powered by RealThing Ai’s Dialogue Engine
This engine is a form of Artificial Intelligence (AI) that enables intelligent communication between humans and computers. It understands not only the words but their intent. This means that users can use natural language to communicate with their RealSAM Pocket. That’s different from devices using voice commands where users have to use specific phrases.
Ok, that’s a little technical. The important point is the understanding or intent, not just words. What’s the difference?
Words Only
When eye right a phrase based just on what eye here, it doesn’t always work out write.
With Intent
When I write what is intended by the words I hear, it almost always works out right!
And that’s usable assistive technology in my book!